Write for Us

Hey there! We’re on the lookout for new writers like you. If you have a unique idea that could inspire our readers and advance our field, we’d love to hear from you. You don’t need to have a groundbreaking concept; just share your fresh take on a topic that’s been on your mind.

Before you dive in, know that writing for us requires effort. We want your article to shine, so expect to receive helpful feedback from our team and to collaborate closely with an editor on revisions.

But it’s also a fantastic opportunity! Your work could reach thousands of fellow professionals, including potential employers, clients, and publishers. Plus, you’ll grow as a writer and learn more about your topic along the way.

What We’re Looking For

You can send us a rough draft, a partial draft, or a brief pitch—just a paragraph or two summarizing your main idea and why it’s important to our readers, along with an outline. The more complete your submission, the better feedback we can offer. Remember, we only accept original content—we don’t publish anything that’s appeared elsewhere, including your blog.

Please don’t send us press releases or sales pitches; they just don’t fit our vibe.

Before you submit, check out our style guide and recent articles for guidance on structure and formatting. Make sure your submission:

– Has a clear thesis and argument—not just a list of tips.
– Is written in a bold, engaging voice.
– Targets an audience of designers, developers, content strategists, and similar professionals.
– Is backed by solid arguments and research—fact-check and cite your sources where needed.
– Adheres to our style guide.

For tips on writing, check out “Writing is Thinking” and “So You Want to Write an Article?” to learn about common mistakes we see and how to avoid them.

What We Publish

We publish articles ranging from 600 to 2,500 words, depending on the topic. The average article is around 1,500 words. We often accompany articles with custom illustrations. Our tone can be casual for less intense tutorials or more structured for in-depth discussions. Regardless, all pieces should thoughtfully explore current and innovative topics in the web industry.

How to Submit (and What Happens Next)

To submit, email us your piece. We prefer Google Docs for easy feedback and collaboration, but you can also send a plain text file, Markdown file, or an HTML link. Please avoid sending ZIP files with assets unless requested.

Here’s what to expect after you submit:

1. An editor will review your work to see if it’s a good fit. This happens weekly.
2. The editor will gather feedback from the team and get back to you with notes. (We usually don’t accept articles on the first try, but we’ll let you know if we’re interested.)
3. Once you’ve made revisions, send your updated draft back to us. The team will review it again and inform you if we want to accept it.
4. If accepted, an editor will help you refine things like organization and style.
5. We’ll schedule your piece for publication once revisions are complete, but we can’t provide a specific date until it’s almost ready to go live.

We can’t wait to see what you have to share!