Chess was invented in this region (subcontinent). The game was invented by a man named Siza during the reign of the Gupta dynasty. A very important and interesting story is connected with its invention. Siza invented the game so he came to the king. The king was happy and said to Siza, “What do you ask for?” Siza thought for a moment and said I want some grains of rice. Siza said: You fill 64 chess boxes with rice grains but according to my formula. The king said what is this formula? Siza said, “One grain of rice in the first box on the first day, twice as much rice in the second box on the second day and twice as much rice in the third box on the third day. ” Double the previous box until 64 boxes are completed”.

The king laughed at this silly demand and agreed to the bet, and with that bet began the game whose principle gave birth to a company like Microsoft today. It seemed like an easy task but it turned out to be the most difficult puzzle in the world. And today even after 3500 years it is not possible to fill 64 chess boxes with rice. On the first day, the king placed a grain of rice in the first chess box. Siza took him away.

On the second day, the king put two grains in another box and gave it to Siza. On the third day, the number of rice in the third box was four, on the fourth day, eight, on the fifth day, sixteen, on the sixth day, thirty-two, on the seventh day, 64, and on the eighth day, the number of rice became 128. That is, the number of rice in the last box of the first row of the chess became 128, on the ninth day 256, on the tenth day 528 and on the eleventh day 1024 and on the twelfth day. This number became 2048. On the thirteenth day it became 4096 and on the fourteenth day it became 8192, on the fifteenth day it became 16384 and on the sixteenth day it became 32768 and reaching here two rows of chess are completed.

Now the king realized that he was in trouble because he and all his ministers sat all day counting rice. By the end of the third row of chess, the number of rice had reached eight hundred thousand and the king needed dozens of people to bring the rice to the field and give it to Siza. When the third box of the third chess began, the whole country ran out of rice. The king was shocked. He immediately called a mathematician and asked him how much rice would be required for 64 chess squares and how many days it would take. Mathematicians sat for many days but could not estimate time and rice. This estimate was made by Bill Gates in the present time.

Three and a half thousand years later, Bill Gates believes that if 19 zeros are added together, 64 chess squares can contain as much rice. Bill Gates said that if we put a billion rice in a sack, we will need 18 billion sacks and it will take one and a half billion years to count these rice and put them on the chess board. Thus a seemingly simple task had now become a mystery that the king could not solve for the rest of his life.

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