On average, puberty usually starts 8 to 13 in females whereas 9 to 14 in males. Puberty is the process of physical maturation where a young person reaches sexual maturity and becomes capable of reproduction. Precocious puberty is when a child’s body begins to change into an adult’s body too early. There are certain conditions or reasons that contribute to such a process. Foods and drinks high in fat and sugar, foods grown with exposure to chemicals and pesticides, infections hormone problems, mental problems or social media etc.
It’s helpful to know what actually happens in early puberty. Basically, factors involved in the brain cause GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) to be produced prematurely and when it reaches the pituitary gland it leads to high levels of estrogen in women and testosterone in men. It develops their secondary sexual characteristics before their puberty age. This type of maturation has complications that lead to short stature and other emotional and behavioral problems. We can try to manage precocious puberty through certain treatments.

  • A high vegetable and high protein dietary pattern was identified as a protective factor for precocious puberty. Additionally, our study found that a higher daily intake of fruits and vegetables was associated with a lower risk of precocious puberty in girls. Avoid eating unhealthily cooked and fried foods.
  • When the body produces too much or too little of the hormones needed for puberty, a hormonal imbalance results. Hormonal imbalance can lead to various health problems. Keep anything containing estrogen or testosterone away from children. These may include prescription medications or nutritional supplements for adults. Teach children about healthy and active lifestyles, from eating to sleeping, so they can maintain a healthy balance of hormones in their bodies.
  • Teens who used social media more frequently during these periods scored lower on measures of life satisfaction a year later. Excessive use of social media has also been linked to sleep problems, attention problems and feelings of exclusion in adolescents. Children experience mood swings including irritability, tearfulness, anger, excessive happiness or confusion, intense feelings of love, low self-esteem, hopelessness and apathy. They can become argumentative and challenge authority or rules. So, instead of using social media, try to involve children in other activities or games as it can help in their healthy development.
    Speak up when you see unhealthy choices. Direct children to healthier options or say, “You can have a little of this, but not too much.” Talk to them about why a snack that’s overly salty or high in sugar isn’t a good choice. Establishing a regular schedule for healthy eating and physical activity is important, especially for young children, as they are more likely to adopt these as habits. Children respond well to the predictability of a regular schedule because it makes them feel secure. Parents who set a good example for their children by participating in regular physical activity and eating a balanced diet can have significant positive effects on their child’s health. Additionally, parental emotional support and a nurturing home environment are vital for a child’s healthy development. All of these can help manage and prevent precocious puberty.

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